Is God giving us a picture of judgment to come and the beginning of the promised Prophetic events? The world today is in spiritual rebellion and physical uncertainty with broken borders and regional wars. Is something greater soon to come. As we were launching a massive retalliatory strike in Yemen with the support of over a dozen allied nations, a massive record breaking artic dome is forming over America. The very first part of our election process is about to happen and we have an immigration crisis from both the Northern and Southern border.  On our southern border the Governor is defying Biden’s failed border policy and is stationing Texas National Guard along key areas in the border blocking the Federal Custom’s agents from interfering.  Biden claims his solution is to increase the Federal border agents and lawyers yet both of these have only caused more problems with whole process of illegal immigration.  The Biden administration is putting not only Texas but the entire nation in jeopardy. Will this lead Biden trying to arrest the Governor and bringing in the U.S. Army?

Jonathan Cahn brought up an interesting comparison and warning going back to Roe vs Wade and the first 3 years of abortions from 1970 to 1973 comparing the 1.3 million abortions or deaths of “children” to a matching number of people lost to Covid 19 according to the CDC in its first 3 years. Both were 1.3 million. We have recently seen an incredible and almost totally irrational shift of our nation’s agenda focused on issues that are Woke or going against Natural Law and/or National Security. It is as if a spiritual wave of darkness has swept over us and instead of glorifying God and His blessings we are opening our gates to invasion by both physical and spiritual enemies.

Will soon to come major events bring the world to its knees? Is Europe about to weather a major record breaking cold front like one that is spreading throughout our nation? Will war rise to unprecendented levels and will this also include Taiwan and other fronts? The year 2024 may be linked to God’s time-table which is anchored in Genesis & interwoven throughout His Word. The war against the Houthi just escalated with Iran’s capture of a Greek tanker in the Gulf of Oman. Will that now initiate a new front in the Persian Gulf as the U.S. and the allies move their warships to that area too? Will this lead to Iran’s involvement with much greater assets on both sides. And because of the Treaty agreement with Russia, will this lead to its involvement?  National News commentators are even asking the question, “are we headed towards WWIII?”

If not WWIII it looks like we are headed into war called the war of Gog and Magog?  This is a semi-regional war in that the Bible focuses only on Israel but worldwide there may be serious nuclear or massive non-nuclear wars by the Red Dragon nation of China & its proxy North Korea for Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan?  Surely the United States will be involved in either or both fronts which will bring in all Nato countries including Turkey, and many non-Nato countries in North Africa and the Middle East.


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