Category: theology
Obedience or Repentance?
Our nation is on the way down as were many of the ancient and modern-day empires. Only Israel was born again out of the ash-heap of history– a message and Sign that God honors His Covenant with Israel and that He holds that nation in high regard. A new beginning, however, has happened for Jesus…
The Eternal Gift
God is Truth–He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is our Hope for He is Omnicient–He knows the future for every point in time, and therefore recorded the past for us as a manual and map for our present time (BIBLE=Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth). His message for us presents the future…
The Treasure
The Father has given us a Treasure. That treasure is a Gift threaded throughout history in the Word of God. It is not something that you can win, demand, manipulate or gain. Like “light” it is hard to grasp and cannot be held, yet it pushes back darkness. Like “water it flows and sustains life”…